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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Not really much time today, but a few little things to tide you over. The other one that's been driving me nuts is the Hallmark commercials they're running right now. All of them are offensive in some way or other but the one that really makes me depressed shows a bunch of people standing around a living room in sweaters, singing, and then you pan down to see one of those goddamn free-standing toy ornaments they sell, this particular one being a snowman at a piano that sings songs, and the people are singing along to the goddamn toy. Not singing along to an actual person at an actual piano but a toy snowman. And then they cut to the dining room, where the meal has been abandoned and a cat jumps on the table to eat the food. No one is eating because they've all joined a toy snowman choir. It's the saddest goddamn thing I've ever seen. It's like Christmas at the Anorexics'. |