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Monday, April 28, 2003
Are you fucking serious?
Saddam Hussein is likely on the run inside Iraq - armed with suicide vests he obtained from his intelligence agency, an Iraqi exile leader said yesterday. The deposed dictator was trained how to use the bomb-lined vests before the fall of Baghdad and may plan to blow himself up if U.S.-led troops corner him, said Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi. "He has the ability ... to commit suicide or blow people up with him when they come to catch him," Chalabi told CNN. Now let's note who this information is coming from--Ahmad "sorry 'bout that Jordan" Chalabi, the Penatagon's pick for the next head of Iraq. I would be interested to hear where he's getting this information from, seeing as how he's been out of the country for the past 20 years and his old contacts may be a bit rusty on the Sadaam-blowing-himself-up tip. That aside, however, it's plain weird, both as a story and a political move. I mean, I'm sure there's people telling that story, but there's people telling the story that Elvis is living in the Empire State Building, too. What advantage does it give you? Should Chalabi be installed because he has the inside scoop about the still-living (or presently-zombified) Sadaam, and so he's best equipped to fight him and his legions of brain-eating cohorts? What? I don't really understand, I must admit. |