clap clap blog: we have moved

Monday, May 05, 2003
my fried seduction, the petulant of your assholes
Better than that damn blog poetry generator is the Bukowski poetry generator.

that moved vaginal
his teeth past those schlocky egos
like you
i strolled joyous elevators
the shriveled
he slaved ruthless pants
she dove under the tears
it caught throughout joints
lubricated those constructions
hiredladies you exploded around
she axed when a aloof ink
he touched before a any crumb
to small cocksuckers
sometimes you were the stench
i mounted behind the flat space
my fried seduction
the petulant of your assholes
you were lost
and oedipal carried matted streetwalkers
we shot behind the slippery bach
axed a addict
you were a tongue
her fan from
it mastered these viny payments
a lie slid

(thanks to Gawker)