clap clap blog: we have moved

Wednesday, June 25, 2003
In an interview, Tom DeLay bitches about the growing Westar scandal:

It never ceases to amaze me that in this town people are so cynical that they want to attach money to issues, money to a bill, money to amendments. They hardly ever write that money is given to support people who think the same way. Westar supported people who were doing the things they believed in and wanted to see done.


First off, Tom, the charge of vote-buying comes from a report the company itself prepared, so saying the criticism comes from "this town" is making a straw man argument, and is not only invalid, but grossly dishonest. Just because y'all got people to hate politicians doesn't mean you can just whip out that prejudice whenever the mood suits you.

Secondly, I fail to see how carving out an exemption for one specific company can fit into anyone's ideology beyond pure greed. Was Westar making a cure for cancer or supporting the arts or feeding the poor, or were they participating in the free market?

Finally, weren't you guys supposed to be the moral clarity party? Let's be clear about this: I don't give a shit if a Democratic representative who's taking money from big biz himself is criticizing this. I'm criticizing the action, and I am a voter, and that's what I get to goddamn do. I'd hope other people would as well.

Just incredible.