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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
This is a simply fantastic post about the toxic legacy of the 60's, the benefits of selling out, and the value for miscegnation along with purity. Excerpt:
Straight Edge, with its reduction of counter-cultural opposition to an individualistic moralising (no longer is the goal a body politic in opposition to capitalism, but merely an individual body remaining free of the taint of consumerism), represents the most extreme form of the political bankruptcy of No Sell Out, alternative, culture. Clinging to a vision of purity without a desire for change (which is, after all, a type of impurity) means that not selling out is not a political programme, but an inward looking and ultimately barren form of 'merely cultural' activity. So let's sell out. Great stuff. That said, I obviously differ slightly in terms of the rhetoric and the assesment of the current situation, but then again I'm not interested in having a "revolutionary culture," so the fact that we're not there doesn't worry me so much. I'm also obviously not so big on seeing pop culture's sole value being in essentially subversive messages, since a) I don't think subversive messages are very effective, and b) I think pop culture as it is has a value in itself, since it's always been a forum for ambiguity. But this is just based on a possibly innaccurate interpretation, and I still say "yes yes yes" to the rest of it, which does seem to acknowledge the value in the pure energy pop provides: Hip-hop provides an alternative to counter-culture, a new tactics we can use now that the culture of opposition is failing on the terrain contemporary pop culture offers us. Understand the energy of pop culture and we have the sharp esde to which we can add the politics of opposition to forge a real blade. |