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Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Also: wow, have I really not posted in over a week? I'm sorry, kids. But the usual, you know: out of town for Thanksgiving, looking for an apartment, packing up and moving out and storing an entire apartment in 18 hours, etc. The sad news is that I now no longer have my base in Washington Heights (which I should memorialize more at some point). The better news is that soon I will have my own space to play with instruments whenever I feel the urge. And, um, aren't doing something else.
Magnetic Fields review. Wahoo! I do really like that album now. And now I get to review Le Tigre. Which should be interesting. It would be unprofessional to just turn in a series of lesbian jokes, right? Q: Why do lesbians like to play softball? A: Because they're abominations in the eyes of God. Lotsa laffs.