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Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Two things I've learned from recent debates: 1) If you're arguing with a bunch of book lovers, don't tell them, while arguing a larger, arguably more reasonable point, that TV is a more important art form than literature. You will get called a "cocksucker." 2) If you're arguing with a bunch of rock critics, don't call them, while arguing a larger, arguably more reasonable point, essentially a bunch of narrow-minded wankers. You will get called a "cock." This would all be different if I were trolling, but I'm not. I actually believe this crap! Well, therein lies my downfall. Also, being generally in a bad mood for some reason. So those are my lessons learned from arguing on the internet. And we all know what that's like, don't we? Share your message-board/mailing-list war stories, if you care to. If not, go eat some bacon. Bacon don't talk back. Bacon loves you. |