clap clap blog: we have moved

Thursday, September 15, 2005
I don't have anything in Flagpole this week, but just in case you are not a regular reader, I should point you toward Chris' excellent MIA interview as well as a good Fiery Furnaces article by Jessica Rhodes-Knowlton.

Speaking of, the ol' randomizer happened upon the live recording I have of "Rehearsing My Choir" (the song, obviously, not the album) last night, and after hearing that, it's hard to take Matt's schtick about touring ahead of the album too seriously: the live version, as is usual for the Furnaces, sounds nothing like the studio version, except even more so than usual (the tempo's at least doubled and there's an entirely different vocalist), so I don't think having the record would help much at all. It will mainly help if they inject some more musical hooks when they play it live, since at that speed and through a PA the lyrical hooks tend to get buried. But we'll see, I suppose.