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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
![]() Hi all--I know everybody'll be leaving for their Thanksgiving breaks in the next day or two, but just wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be included in an NPR piece about NaSoAlMo to be broadcast on All Things Considered sometime in the next week. I'll post an update when I get more specific info, so watch this space if you get a chance and/or check in with Douglas. The piece may or may not feature my song "Your Sweater Says Twee But Your Ass Says Goddamn," which is about pretty much what it sounds like. The album's actually going very well--I have three songs totally finished, three songs finished except for vocals, and two songs I still need to work up, but I'm hoping to get almost everything but the vocals done before the break and then write lyrics on the Amtrak, which has been productive in the past for some reason. Titles I am considering for the album itself: Beaver Fever (as a song will be called) Four Matched Pairs and One Outlier, Bounded (this assuming I end up filling out the half-hour with an instrumental intro and outro) Ooh This Is Going to Make Simon Mad Please note that I am really bad with titles, so any other suggestions are welcome. Here's one of the finishers.