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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Three reviews in Flagpole for ya: Goldfrapp, who I actually came around to liking in the process of reviewing; KT Tunstall, which I wrote about 4 months ago but stand by; and The Robocop Kraus, whose nationality I bet you totally can't guess, and which I've been meaning to talk to you about for a while, but gotta get some things off my desk first. Also, Stylus jukebox, notable mainly for me being bitchy about Jenny Lewis (although when I read myself calling Tunstall "Lilith Fair-esque," I realize that's what they're both doing!) and me, along with everyone else, gushes mightily about Marit Larsen. William has kindly edited out the bit where I compare the piano to Elvis Costello rather than ABBA.