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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
![]() Mindless ditties do not glorify Speaking of clapping, here is probably the best document I have come across lately: CLAP AND SING!This connects, oddly enough, with a lot of stuff that's been in my mind lately. One thing is that I dug out my Danielson Famile collection for a certain project, and in checking out the first album, A Prayer For Every Hour, I was reminded that the band actually started as Daniel Smith's senior thesis at Princeton! It's an oddly secular and quotidian beginning for something that's become so cloaked in otherness and spirituality, but I think it's one of the things that endears Daniel to us, much more so than Sufjan, whose beginnings seem properly cloudy. It also reminds me of J0sh R1tter, whose salt-of-the-earth schtick I find impossible to swallow after going to a nerdy liberal arts college with him. I also love this--for personal reasons, obviously, but also because I love the particularly American notion of making faith that was explicitly supposed to be personal something for public display by, ironically enough, making it more personal, and by taking something, speaking in tongues, that would seem like proof of posession by evil and making it into proof of posession by good. I like the idea of the holy spirit as something that enters you, something you can feel, something that fills holes in you, less for the way they sound like sex, and more for the way they make sex sound like something religious, and about the way they model I think the experience a few of us have had with music, to say nothing of the way the modern model for a musical performer is tied up with glossolalia, with all those "huh"s and "yeah"s of rock and, now, hip-hop, hypemen as a church choir, singers as a Greek chorus channeling the will of the gods--and the way speaking in tongues can be traced to a specific date and time without this diminishing the perceived authenticity of the spiritual experience. I kind of wish we did more of that, transforming the quotidian into the sublime, and keeping the two in balance simultaneously throughout, that kind of divine ambiguity. Plus "Song Song Song" is the best track on the Final Fantasy album, but we'll talk about that later. Clap and sing! Clap and sing! Clap and sing!